Organizing Your Home

Creating and maintaining and organized home is proven to promote a healthier you. The less time we spend looking for our key or homework assignments the more time we have for ourselves.

Closet Organization System

Start by studying how you and your family move about your house. Recognize how you utilize each room, and how often you’re there – this will help prioritize your organizing.

1. RESIST THE PILE HABIT: Most of us walk into our house with purses, groceries, keys, and more. An intuitive “drop zone” off your main entryway creates a home for essential items. It may include a key rack, an inbox for kids’ artwork or bills, or an attractive container for everyday items.

2. ORGANIZE AN INSPIRING HOME OFFICE: Even if your home office shares space with a bedroom, create a dedicated work area that inspires you.

  • Love where you work – even if you don’t have a window, hang a pretty picture above your desk and personalize a small corner of your desk with framed photos, a living plant or kids’ artwork.

  • Buy a beautiful basket to tame your inbox piles on your desk’s surface, and use vertical file boxes for everyday papers.

  • Invest in an attractive, comfortable and ergonomic chair.

3. CLOSETS THAT MAKE SENSE: What good is that custom closet when your most needed items are inaccessible (or in a pile)? Make sure essentials are within arm’s reach and contained well.

  • Use garment boxes and sweater bins, which can also house handbags.

  • Slim, velvet hangers work well to maximize space. You can squeeze in 20-25% more than traditional wooden hangers.

  • See through acrylic shoeboxes stack well and protect your shoes!